Another cat reference from the writings of this prodigious and talented scholar occurs in a book known in the US as Zen, Drugs, and Mysticism, (1972) (also known as Drugs, Mysticism and Make-believe in some editions) Here he writes of
... a fascinating case involving what Jung called 'individuation' in which psychedelic visions, - not mystical experiences - take the place of dreams in what seems to be a classical Jungian analysis. In this particular case God does appear --as a lion! -
while the subject himself is transformed into a tiger. Now, with all respect to the authors, in the literature of religious mysticism God simply does not appear as a lion of however 'awesome [a] stature and beauty', nor is the mystic himself turned ....[a tiger].
I am not aware of Zaehner mentioning anywhere about the jungle that is academic politics, but I did think of C. S. Lewis's Narnia when I read the above. Not that a fairy tale makes the same claims of a mystic vision. My association is frivolous.
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