The Book, Cat, & Cat Book Lovers Almanac

of historical trivia regarding books, cats, and other animals. Actually this blog has evolved so that it is described better as a blog about cats in history and culture. And we take as a theme the advice of Aldous Huxley: If you want to be a writer, get some cats. Don't forget to see the archived articles linked at the bottom of the page.

September 27, 2012

September 27, 1883

Boris  Anrep (September 27,  1883  to  June 7, 1969) was a Russian of distinguished pedigree. He  worked in England, where he gained fame as an artist of mosaics. He was closely associated with the Bloomsbury crowd. His mosaics made him famous. He did mosaics for Bank of England, the Cathedral of Christ the King (Mullingar), The Tate, and Westminster Cathedral, among other places public and private. He did numerous mosaics for the National Gallery of Art in London including the one on the floor at the main entrance to the gallery. 

This last mosaic includes representations of famous people as the muses and other Greek mythological figures. One of these figures in Christabel Aberconway. She was a society figure, but I focus on her since she compiled, The Dictionary of Cat Lovers, which was published in 1949. In Anrep's mosaic she is Euterpe.  The list of all the  muses and their accompanying famous faces, in chips of marble on the floor of the art gallery,  reads --
Christabel Aberconway as Euterpe (the Muse of Music)

Maria Volkova as Urania (Astronomy)

Greta Garbo as Malpomene (Tragedy)

Lydia Keynes as Terpsichore (Dance)

Diana Guiness as Polihymnia (Sacred Poetry)

Mary Hutchinson as Erato (Love Poetry)

Virginia Woolf as Clio (History)

Lesley Jowitt as Thalia (Comedy and Pastoral Poetry)

and  Clive Bell as Bacchus with Osbert Sitwell as Apollo are also in the mosaic.

The author of this list could not figure out the face behind Calliope. (Epic Poetry). That author was not me. I found the identifications written on the end papers of Christabel Aberconway's memoirs - A Wiser Woman (1966). Since I could not find this list on the web,  not in its almost entirety, my fellow art lovers might want to book mark this page.  Perhaps they owe more than they knew to Christabel Aberconway.  The mural we reference  dates to 1933.


Anonymous said...

Calliope. (Epic Poetry) is almost certainly Anna Akhmatova

Anonymous said...