The Book, Cat, & Cat Book Lovers Almanac

of historical trivia regarding books, cats, and other animals. Actually this blog has evolved so that it is described better as a blog about cats in history and culture. And we take as a theme the advice of Aldous Huxley: If you want to be a writer, get some cats. Don't forget to see the archived articles linked at the bottom of the page.

August 25, 2019

August 25, 1944

Jeanne Toussaint was "one of Cartier’s most famous jewelry designers..." 

[She was] born in Charleroi, Belgium, in 1887. Members of her family were makers and traders of Brussels lace. She was also a friend of Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel. Toussaint possessed a style that was unique, flamboyant yet modern style, combining turbans and long strands of pearls with an evening uniform of silk pajamas or Chinese suit-combining turbans.

A recent book by 
Vivienne Becker tells Toussaint's story. This next text is from a book review.

Toussaint was Cartier’s creative director of jewellery from 1933 until 1970. She was also Louis Cartier’s lover. He nicknamed her La panthère, partly, it is thought, because of her fierce determination and mental agility, and partly because of the leopard skins that decorated her apartment, and the tiger-skin coat by the furrier Revillon that she was the first to wear...

It was Jeanne Toussaint (1887-1976) who brought the big cat to life, transforming it from an ornament into a 20th-century cultural icon.... 

That cat became iconic jewelry--"le symbole de Cartier."

Jeanne Toussaint was of that generation for whom August 25, 1944 was always after carved into their hearts.

Toussaint was also known for her courage...It was she... with the assistance of her colleague Pierre Lemarchand... who courageously created a bird imprisoned behind gold bars in a cage, using stones representing the patriotic colours of France- with white diamonds... blue lapis lazulu, and red coral, which was symbolic of the hated German occupation of Paris during World War II, for which she was imprisoned and later granted her release only by the personal intervention of Gabrielle Chanel. ...

"Après la libération"... Toussaint and Lemarchand re-created the adorable little bird... but this time as the "Liberty Bird"... "L'Oiseau Libéré"... 

August 25, 1944 was the day the Germans surrendered their garrison in Paris. That liberation of Paris inspired much more than our bird above. 

1 comment:

freesiaosdeal said...

Thanks, sir Very good blog
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