The Book, Cat, & Cat Book Lovers Almanac

of historical trivia regarding books, cats, and other animals. Actually this blog has evolved so that it is described better as a blog about cats in history and culture. And we take as a theme the advice of Aldous Huxley: If you want to be a writer, get some cats. Don't forget to see the archived articles linked at the bottom of the page.

March 27, 2019

March 27, 1947

Some may ask, who was Edy Craig (December 9, 1869 to March 27, 1947)? Ellen Terry, perhaps the leading actress of the 19th century, was her mother, and Edy spent her life in the theatrical milieu: as a producer, and directing, and designing costumes. She also participated in suffragism and avante garde circles, like those around the Golden Dawn group.

Clare Atwood, about whom we need to learn more, painted Edy and the wondrous result is below, titled "Edy in bed with her cat."

The cat is probably "Snuffles." Edy certainly had a cat with that name.

1 comment:

kitty person said...

That is wonderful portrait! Love the name snuffles.