The Book, Cat, & Cat Book Lovers Almanac

of historical trivia regarding books, cats, and other animals. Actually this blog has evolved so that it is described better as a blog about cats in history and culture. And we take as a theme the advice of Aldous Huxley: If you want to be a writer, get some cats. Don't forget to see the archived articles linked at the bottom of the page.

November 22, 2018

November 22, 1916

Jack London (January 12, 1876 to November 22, 1916) was an American novelist, with radical politics and an amazing genius. Our interest now is a scene pictured in a Jack London story included in the compilation, Jerry & Michael - Adventures of Two Dogs : The Complete Series, Including Jerry of the Islands & Michael, Brother of Jerry
Our dramatic scene involves a trapped bird being hunted by a cat. The bird is named Cocky, after the sound of his call. "Cocky" is a "brave sparkle of life on the planet", and the friend of two eponymous dogs, who has unintentionally been left behind.

.... Cocky was his brave little self again. He sat motionless on the window-sill, his head cocked to the side, with one unwavering eye regarding on the floor, so perilously near, the eternal enemy of all his kind. The human quality of his voice had startled the gutter-cat, causing her to forgo her spring as she flattened down her ears and bellied closer to the floor....[A] bottle fly buzzed rowdily against an adjacent window-pane, with occasional loud bumps against the glass, tokening that he too had his tragedy, a prisoner pent by baffling transparency from the bright world that blazed so immediately beyond.....The gutter cat prepared and sprang with sudden descision, landing where Cocky had perched a fraction of a second before ...

We read that the dog London wrote about in the first book, 
Jerry of the Islands: A True Dog Story (1917) did actually exist.

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